From The Founder's Pen
As I have severally said I stand alongside the beneficiaries of The Kenyatta Trust, placing my belief with theirs, and saying I too still believe in the promise of a better Kenya. And I know that this promise will come to pass when we rise together, speak together, voice our collective vision, live and work alongside one another in order to build this nation on the strong foundation of unity for our future prosperity. As the founder of The Kenyatta Trust, I believe in the possibility of a stronger, more prosperous Kenya that has room for all our hopes and aspirations. The opportunities awarded to our beneficiaries are endless and my pledge is to continuously support and uplift the lives of all our beneficiaries, one family at a time"
"For a long time I battled with the drop out rate of school students in my constituency and the country at large. I believe that Kenya’s diversity is one of our greatest strengths. It leads to a dynamic and vibrant society that is fuelled by a constant exchange of ideas. Within our diverse nation, we must be united. United under the same dream of building a better Kenya. When we stand united, we stand stronger. Through The Kenyatta Trust we can achieve our vision of transforming lives with infinite possibilities and opportunities for all our beneficiaries.
" I wish to thank our mentors, who have graciously lent their expertise and support in the development of this Trust. They have continued to support us with their participation in various activities contributing time, skills and resources.
I also acknowledge The Kenyatta Trust Beneficiaries who continue to enjoy the benefits of all our Programs, and for their continuous hard work in their various schools. I also wish to thank all our partners for their continued support. I also thank the contributions of my staff that have provided their wisdom and oversight in ensuring that the Kenyatta Trust’s students are provided with the right combination of education, mentorship and support throughout The Trusts’ programs."
" After completing my degree in International Relations and Politics, I found myself constantly being led by a desire to see that Kenyan children continue to receive quality education after completing primary school. As a director of The Kenyatta Trust I have committed to transforming the lives of the beneficiaries not only through education but through social empowerment, skills building and mentorship. Through The Kenyatta Trust we plan to bring up children who are not only equipped with the academic know-how but are well rounded in all aspects of life. It is my hope that we are able to raise a generation of leaders who inspire others not only with their words but by their everyday actions.
We strive to ensure that our core values; service, leadership, integrity, justice and peace become part of our students DNA and in turn they will eventually teach the importance of these values to their own families when the time comes. We continue to provide support to these young leaders because we know that every individual that forms The Kenyatta Trust family will not only positively impact our society but will have a story to share with their own children. The story of hope, of possibility and of change. Most importantly we know that when we speak of the promise that is a better Kenya our students will have helped form part of this vision."
The place of the Kenyan youth in a constantly changing world with unique opportunities, challenges and circumstances is the defining question of our time. The impact that can therefore be experienced from holistic, sustained educational support in the key areas of developmental importance within the lives of the disadvantaged youth is completely transformational; not only for these youth as individuals, but also for their families, communities and our country, Kenya, as well.
The Kenyatta Trust's imperative is therefore clear; to sustainably create opportunities for growth academically, morally and socio-economically for the nationwide class of scholars admitted into The Trust each year. Helping to level the inequalities these youth face will compound over time to create empowered, visionary members of society who will be agents of positive change; transforming more lives just as theirs have been here and now.